We are grateful for your participation in making ICRES 2018 a huge success.
We look forward for your participation in
ICRES 2020!
For information on the conference proceedings
see here

We are pleased to inform you that the International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards (ICRES 2018) will
be held at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, New York on August 20 and 21 of 2018.
ICRES aims to provide a multidisciplinary forum for discussing the fundamental and
pressing safety, ethical, legal and societal issues in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
Following the International Conference on Robot Ethics (ICRE 2015) and the International Conference on
Robot Ethics and Safety Standards (ICRESS 2017), the third iteration in the conference series will discuss
ethical and safety concerns in AI and robotic systems (not limited to physical robots).
We invite full papers, posters and extended abstracts: